日本ヒートアイランド学会論文集 vol. 01〜vol. 05


日本ヒートアイランド学会論文集 Vol.5 (2010)

10A001 学術論文
東京で観測された局地豪雨の実態調査: 2002年8月2日および2004年8月10日の事例の比較解析
Examining Local Heavy Rainfalls Observed in Tokyo: Case Study of August 2 2002 and August 10 2004

日下 博幸 Hiroyuki Kusaka*1 羽入拓朗 Takuro Hanyu*2,3 縄田恵子 Keiko Nawata*4
古橋奈々 Nana Furuhashi*2 横山仁 Hitoshi Yokoyama*5

*1 筑波大学計算科学研究センター Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba

*2 筑波大学自然学類 College of Natural Science, University of Tsukuba

*3 現所属 株式会社ウエザーニューズ Weathernews Inc.

*4 筑波大学大学院生命環境科学研究科 Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba

*5 東京都環境科学研究所 Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute for Environmental Protection

The present study describes essential features of the local weather when heavy rainfalls occur in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Case study was carried out in detail for the two heavy rainfall events: August 2 2002 (Case 1) and August 10 2004 (Case 2). The following characteristics are found. (a) The atmospheric stability was low while Japan Island was covered with Pacific high for both cases. (b) In the Case 1, the E-S type wind system was observed and surface winds from the Kashima bay, Tokyo bay, and Sagami bay converged in Tokyo during the several hours before heavy rainfalls occurred. (c) Additionally, it was found that the cold outflows enhanced the convergence. (d) On the other hand, such a convergence was not found in the Case 2, which causes the convective rainfalls quickly decreased.


10A002 学術論文
Development of an Atmosphere-Subsurface-Coupled, Hydrothermal Environment Model for Quantitative Evaluation of the Effect of Urban Water Sprinkling

吉岡 真弓 Mayumi YOSHIOKA*1  登坂 博行 Hiroyuki TOSAKA*2

*1産業技術総合研究所 Geological Survey of Japan, AIST

*2東京大学大学院工学系研究科 Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

For quantitative evaluation of the effect of water sprinkling as a mitigating method of urban “Heat Island”, a comprehensive numerical model is proposed. The developed model describes both air-water-vapor movement and heat transport in atmosphere and subsurface, by using the generalized concept of multi-phase, multi-component solid-fluid system. It includes hydrodynamic phenomena, such as pseudo static air flow in atmospheric boundary layer, the heat balance of solar radiation and long-wave radiation, evaporation, transient heat transfer among the solid, liquid and gas phases. In order to confirm the performance of the model, several case studies have been made regarding the basic modeled processes. The calculated results are reasonable and consistent with the analytical solutions and/or laboratory experiment with the reasonable parameters.


10A003 学術論文
Reproducibility of the Atmosphere-Subsurface-Coupled Hydrothermal Environment Model for the Field Experiment of Water Sprinkling

吉岡 真弓 Mayumi YOSHIOKA*1  登坂 博行 Hiroyuki TOSAKA*2  中川 康一 Koichi NAKAGAWA*3

*1産業技術総合研究所 Geological Survey of Japan, AIS

*2東京大学大学院工学系研究科 Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

*3大阪市立大学大学院理学研究科 Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University

By applying the Atmosphere-Surface-Coupled, Hydrothermal Environment Model, the reproducibility of the field experiment of water sprinkling is examined.
Firstly, making a 2-D vertical model which includes atmosphere and subsurface regions, and inputting the meteorological data (atmosphere temperature, wind velocity, relative humidity and solar radiation) of the experimental site, the hydrothermal parameters of the model are identified by matching the calculated with the observed surface and subsurface temperatures at un-sprinkled condition. Then, giving water volume on the surface layer of the model at water sprinkling, the changes of environment near water sprinkled area are simulated. As the results, the atmosphere, surface and subsurface temperatures observed from daytime to the following morning are preferably reproduced by the model.


10B001 技術報告
豊橋市内の中規模緑地におけるクールアイランド現象の 調査と周辺市街地に対する冷却効果
Cool island phenomena and cooling effect of green area in Toyohashi City on the surrounding area

東海林 孝幸 Takayuki TOKAIRIN*1  高野 啓太 Keita TAKANO*1  北田 敏廣 Toshihiro KITADA*1

*1豊橋技術科学大学エコロジー工学系 Department of Ecological Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology

Simultaneous observation of air temperatures was carried out inside and outside of the city park (Takashi Ryokuchi) in the central area of the Toyohashi city to estimate “cool island intensity” defined as temperature difference between the park and residential areas, and evaluate the effect of cold air advection or drainage from the city park. Observation period is Jul. 30 to Aug. 30 and the number of observation points was 29. Observation results show that the averaged cool island intensity was -0.84°C during the observation period. The cooling effect of Takashi Ryokuchi on the surroundings (residential area) in calm condition was small compared with that in windy condition.


10A004 学術論文
Basic Characteristics of Water Permeable/Retainable Porous Paving Bricks
for Controlling Urban Heat Island Phenomenon

横田 耕三 Kozo YOKOTA*1  山地 豪 Tsuyoshi YAMAJI*2  平野 晋一 Shinichi HIRANO*2

*1香川県産業技術センター Kagawa Prefectural Industrial Technology Center

*2株式会社四国総合研究所 Shikoku Research Institute Inc.

The aim of this paper is the design of water permeable/retainable porous paving bricks for controlling the urban heat island phenomenon. The model porous bricks, which had 22-43% open porosity and 0.4-50μm of average pore size, were prepared by sintering using cubic-shape fly-ash powders with very narrow particle size distributions. Influence of pore sizes and porosities in the model bricks on water pump-up ability, coefficient of permeability, water vapor evaporation ability and evaporation cooling effect of the brick surface temperature were evaluated quantitatively. The brick which had 33% or more of porosity and 4-30μm of average pore size was considered to be the most suitable for water permeable/retainable porous paving bricks.


10A005 学術論文
Large-Eddy Simulation のフィルター操作に基づく都市キャノピーモデルのスカラー輸送方程式の導出
Derivation of Scalar Transport Equation of Urban Canopy Model Based on Filtering Operation of Large-Eddy Simulation

河野 孝昭 Takaaki KONO*1  足永 靖信 Yasunobu ASHIE*2  田村 哲郎 Tetsuro TAMURA*3

*1産業技術総合研究所 Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,

*2国土技術政策総合研究所 National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management,

*3東京工業大学大学院総合理工学研究科 Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology

We propose a new approach to derive a spatially-averaged transport equation for a scalar quantity, such as temperature or concentration, for an urban canopy model. First, in order to mathematically describe the actual momentum field as a completely continuous field, the underling concepts of the immersed boundary method are employed, where we assume that (i) the entire simulation space is filled with a fluid, and (ii) an external body force field exists that reduces the wind speed to zero at all positions coinciding with the space occupied by the buildings. Second, we mathematically describe the field of a scalar quantity as a completely continuous field by introducing a source/sink field that acts only inside the space occupied by the buildings and controls the values of the scalar quantity at the acting points. Then, we obtain a spatially-averaged scalar transport equation by applying a (solid-inclusive) spatial averaging operation to the governing equation for the scalar field. Finally, by assuming that the source/sink field controls the spatial-average of the scalar quantity inside the buildings to be equal to that outside the buildings, we can obtain a spatially-averaged scalar transport equation that has no undefined term in the case the boundary of the averaging cell does not cross the space occupied by buildings.


日本ヒートアイランド学会論文集 Vol.4 (2009)

09A001 学術論文
- 就寝時におけるルームエアコンの動的運転特性の予測および空調顕熱排熱量の時空間解析 -
Air Conditioning System in Urban Areas Concerning Heat Island Problem
- Actual Performance Prediction of Room Air Conditioner and Prediction of Space-Time Characteristics of Air Conditioning Exhaust Heat at Bedtime -

四宮 徳章 Naruaki SHINOMIYA*1  西村 伸也 Nobuya NISHIMURA*2  伊與田 浩志 Hiroyuki IYOTA*2

*1大阪市立大学大学院工学研究科機械物理系専攻後期博士課程 Department of Mechanical and Physical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University
*2大阪市立大学大学院工学研究科機械物理系専攻 Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University

Amount of exhaust heat from room air conditioners have increased in urban areas because of increasing in number of sultry nights. In this report, influences of high outdoor temperatures at night and operating mode of room air conditioners at bedtime on COP and exhaust heat were examined. Based both on the steady and the unsteady simulation results, COP is impacted by outdoor temperature and operating mode of room air conditioners, and exhaust heat is impacted by outdoor temperature. Next, space-time characteristics of exhaust heat in Osaka city were examined. Based both on the actual performance prediction of the room air conditioner and space-time analysis results, in two or three hours after sleeping, the generation of exhaust heat per unit area in a residential area (Hannan-cho, Abeno-ku) is at least 16W/m2.


09A002 学術論文
Preliminary Analyses of Urban Heat Island Phenomenon on a Typical Winter Day in Tsukuba City

日下 博幸 Hiroyuki Kusaka*1,2  大庭 雅道 Masamichi Ohba*3  鈴木 智恵子 Chieko Suzuki*4 林 陽生 Yousay Hayashi*1  水谷 千亜紀 Chiaki Mizutani*1

*1筑波大学大学院生命環境科学研究科 Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba

*2筑波大学計算科学研究センター Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba

*3筑波大学陸域環境研究センター Terrestrial Environmental Research Center, University of Tsukuba

*4県立浦安高校 Urayasu High School

A field experiment is performed in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, on the early morning 17 Feb 2008. As a result, we found the actual condition of the city-scale urban heat island phenomenon under the clear weak wind weather condition. The shape of the heat island is rectangular with northwest-southeast direction, and its center is found in the Takezono area including commercial areas. The heat island intensity at 0600 Japan Standard Time (JST) is 5℃. Observed vertical profile of the temperature reveals that the atmospheric stability is almost neutral over the central park near the station although it is strong stable over the open space in the University of Tsukuba. Additionally, the temperature difference between the two sites is confirmed from surface to 30 m above the ground, and the difference in the surface air temperature between the two sites is 4℃.


09A003 学術論文
- 京阪神地域を対象とする感度分析 -
Sensitivity Analysis in Urban Climate Simulation Model to Determin Parametars that Strongly Influence on the Simulation Accuracy
- A case study around the Keihanshin district -

照井 奈都 Natsu TERUI*1  鳴海 大典 Daisuke NARUMI*1  下田 吉之 Yoshiyuki SHIMODA*1

*1大阪大学 Division of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering, Osaka University

In order to develop measures that effectively mitigate urban heat island phenomenon, a simulation model capable of predicting urban thermal climate precisely must be developed. This paper analyzes sensitivity of estimated air temperature in a meso-scale climate model to how anthropogenic heat is released. The result showed that the total amount of heat release from the residential, transportation and industrial sectors, the pattern of heat release from the residential and industrial sectors, the height of the industrial sector have a significant influence on air temperature during night and early morning while atmosphere is stable.


09A004 学術論文
Study on a simple on-site estimation method of the evaporative flux from the green roof
using the water content ratio sensor of the soil

竹林 英樹 Hideki Takebayashi*1  森山 正和 Masakazu Moriyama*1  古橋 省吾 Syogo Furuhashi*2

*1神戸大学大学院工学研究科 Graduate school of Engineering, Kobe University

*2株式会社INAX, INAX Corporation

The on-site estimation method for the evaporative flux from the green roof using the TDR water content sensor of the soil is examined in comparison with the method of the weight change observation of grass and soil. Evaporative flux estimated by the method of the weight change observation is a little large, because of the insufficient shield around the test weight and the wind velocity variation of the test weight surface. The evaporative efficiency calculated by the estimation method using the TDR sensor is around 0.2 - 0.3, which is almost agree with the values in the conventional study. Two methods using the TDR water content sensor are compared. In the one method a TDR sensor is set vertically in the soil, and in the other method several TDR sensors are set horizontally in the soil. In the method setting a TDR sensor vertically, the observation result is influenced by the cavity nearby surface. And in the method setting several TDR sensors horizontally, the observation result cannot follow the water content ratio change of the surface neighborhood. If the installation of the TDR sensor is carried out more carefully in consideration for the cavities of the surface neighborhood etc., the on-site estimation of the evaporative flux from the green roof is possible.



日本ヒートアイランド学会論文集 Vol.3 (2008)

08A001 学術論文

佐藤 公敏 Kimitoshi SATO

立教大学大学院経済学研究科 Graduate School of Economics, Rikkyo University

This paper shows the necessary conditions to efficiently produce nongaseous Gorman-Lancasterian characteristics embodied in goods, and to optimally emit heat, and trace gases as gaseous attributes combined in the urban atmosphere. Sen’s capability approach is used to define personal well-being, since the impacts of urban warming upon each resident affect his/her functionings a la Sen. Any inhabitant consumes goods and emits heat and gases in the urban air. It is demonstrated that any inhabitant maximizes his/her happiness function by consuming goods and emitting heat and gases in the ambient urban air. This paper introduces heat island integral to represent the magnitude of heat island and an urban warming function. Also, producers and landscape gardeners in the metropolis provide goods or plant trees in metropolitan residents’ gardens. A tax-subsidy scheme is proposed to cope with urban heat island, which aims to optimally adjust heat in the urban atmosphere.


08A002 学術論文

田中 寿弥 Toshiya TANAKA*1  青木 一男 Kazuo AOKI*2  長谷川 昌弘 Masahiro HASEGAWA*3  佐藤 真奈美 Manami SATO*4

*1大阪工業大学大学院 工学研究科 環境工学専攻 Department of Environmental Engineering, Osaka Institute of Technology Graduate School

*2大阪工業大学 工学部 環境工学科 Department of Environmental Engineering, Osaka Institute of Technology

*3大阪工業大学 工学部 都市デザイン工学科 Department of Civil and Urban design, Osaka Institute of Technology

*4大阪工業大学 工学部 建築学科 Department of Architecture, Osaka Institute of Technology

Recently, the heat island phenomenon is attracting public attention as an environmental problem in urban areas. Rooftop greening has been vigorously studied and practiced as a measure to cope with this problem. However, it involves many difficulties, including the loading of the roof with basic greening materials, high construction costs, and difficulties related to maintenance (e.g. the maintenance of vegetation after construction). Reeds fulfill important functions in conserving the natural environment: by purifying water and preventing eutrophication through the absorption of phosphorus, nitrogen and other nutrients; providing nursery grounds for waterfront organisms; and absorbing and immobilizing CO2. To maintain these functions, it is necessary to mow reeds every year. At present, however, reed mowing is not conducted to a satisfactory degree, because there are few ways to use a large amount of mowed reeds effectively. Accordingly, the authors experimentally installed reed screens on the roof of a building, to quantitatively evaluate the effects of these screens in thermal insulation.
Therefore, using "the ditch reeds" which were natural plant recycling materials, improvement of the air conditioner efficiency of the building paid attention to a prospective thing by planning rise restraint of the roof concrete surface temperature of the daytime in the summer and performed the observation about those effects. As a result of observation, I understood that an insulation effect was confirmed and could expect a reduction effect of the air conditioner load by laying ditch reeds.


08A003 学術論文
Evaluation of environmental impacts on disturbed sleep by nighttime urban heat island phenomena using surveys via the Internet

岡野 泰久 Yasuhisa Okano*1  井原 智彦 Tomohiko Ihara*2  玄地 裕 Yutaka Genchi*2

*1工学院大学工学部機械システム工学科 Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Kogakuin University

*2独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所ライフサイクルアセスメント研究センター Research Center for Life Cycle Assessment, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

We analyzed the relationships of the outside air temperatures at bedtime with sleep quality. First, an online questionnaire survey of residents in the 23 wards of Tokyo was conducted. Next, the responses to the questionnaire were analyzed by using the Japanese version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI-J) and a sleep quality index developed by us for measuring the quality of daily sleep. The overall rate of subjects having sleep quality indices indicative of disturbed sleep was 48.8% (95% confidence interval: 44.0-53.6%) irrespective of outside air temperature when the outside air temperature at bedtime was lower than 25.2℃. The rate increased by 3.0% with each 1℃ increase in outside air temperature above 25.2℃. The environmental impact for health damage caused by the increase of disturbed sleep resulting from the effect the urban heat island phenomenon at night was estimated to be 344 million yen (between 68.7 million and 412 million yen).


08A004 学術論文
Analysis of cold air drainage from the park in urban area by observations

竹林 英樹 Hideki Takebayashi*1  森山 正和 Masakazu Moriyama*1

*1神戸大学大学院工学研究科 Graduate school of Engineering, Kobe University

Observations concerning cold air drainage from the park are carried out in relatively large parks in the built-up area of Osaka prefecture, and its potential evaluation is examined. It is confirmed that wind blows radially from the center of the park to the built-up area as a result of movement observation of wind direction and velocity. Cold air drainage from the park is confirmed in the case of weak sea breeze in the night from observation results at the west edge point in the park. Wind velocity of cold air drainage from the park is weak (about 0.5 m/s), but air temperature falls around two or three degrees suddenly right after the wind direction change. It is thought that cold air drainage from the park flows out into the built-up area triggered by sea breeze becoming weak. It is confirmed that air temperature falls to as same air temperature in the park by cold air drainage from the park at some points in an immediate neighborhood of the park in the case of cold air drainage wind direction.


日本ヒートアイランド学会論文集 Vol.2 (2007)

07A001 学術論文
Preparation of Lotus-type Porous Ceramics with High Water Pump-up Ability and Its Cooling Effect by Water Vapor Evaporation

岡田 清 Kiyoshi Okada*1  亀島 欣一 Yoshikazu Kameshima*1  中島 章 Akira Nakajima*1  Chengala D.Madhusoodana*2

*1東京工業大学大学院理工学研究科材料工学専攻 Department of Metallurgy and Ceramics Science, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology

*2Ceramic Technological Institute, BHEL, India

Porous cordierite (Mg2Al4Si5O18) ceramics with oriented through hole pores were prepared by an extrusion method. A paste for the extrusion was prepared by mixing cordierite powder and nylon fibers as pore formers with cellulose binder and water, and extruded by a piston extruder. After drying, the extruded rods (400 mm×60 mmφ) were heated at 1250oC for 4 h. The resulting porous ceramics had an apparent porosity of 46.6%, water absorption of 34.9% and bulk density of 1.34 g/cm3 (relative density of 53.4%). The microstructure shows orientation of cylindrical pores parallel to the extruded direction. The ceramics showed water pump-up ability of about 1 h for 400 mm height (h) by the capillary force. The possible pump-up height estimated from the pump-up rate (h=61.3t0.438) is about 900 mm by 8 h and the pump-up height as high as 800 mm was confirmed by stacking of two pieces of ceramics rods. The wet ceramic rod pump-upped water showed 8.7oC lowering of the surface temperature compared with dry ceramics when its surface temperature is 38oC.


07A002 学術論文
Numerical Analysis on the Mitigating Effects of Evaporative Cooling Strategies on the Heat Island Potential for Urban Blocks

何 江 Jiang He*1  梅干野 晁 Akira Hoyano*1

*1東京工業大学大学院総合理工学研究科 Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology

The sensible heat flux emitted from an urban block is considered to be one cause of urban heat island formation and can be quantified by an index: the heat island potential (HIP). Two evaporative cooling strategies to reduce the sensible heat flux by lowering the urban surface temperature are focused in this paper. One strategy is to use a pavement with a capability of water-holding, and the other is to use a water system for sprinkling the building surfaces which are coated with super-hydrophilic photocatalyst (TiO2). Four urban blocks with different land use are selected for quantitatively analyzing the mitigating effect of the two strategies on the HIP. As a result, it was found that the reduction effect of the HIP is influenced by spatial configurations (shadow distribution), etc. The analysis was carried out based on the numerical simulations using a thermal simulation tool developed by the authors. The results from the present study can provide useful findings for making an effective use of the two strategies in the urban/built environment design.


07B001 学術論文
Outdoor Thermal Environment Improvement by the Watering System for Cooling Photocatalyst-coated External Surfaces of Buildings
-Numerical Analysis toward Substantial Urban Area Containing Several Land Uses and Land Covers-

浅輪 貴史 Takashi Asawa*1  何 江 Jiang He*2

*1エーアンドエー株式会社 A&A Co., Ltd.

*2東京工業大学大学院総合理工学研究科 Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology

This study implements a numerical analysis on the effects that the watering system to the photocatalyst-coated external surfaces of buildings have on the outdoor thermal environment. The heat transfer model that could predict heat and water balance on the photocatalyst-coated surface with water membrane is introduced into the outdoor heat balance simulation model developed by the authors. Substantial urban blocks in the downtown of Tokyo are selected for the analysis. The simulation results quantify the potential impacts of the cooling system on the outdoor thermal environment improvement in terms of surface temperature distributions, Mean Radiant Temperature (MRT), and the Heat Island Potential (HIP).


07A003  学術論文
Study on the Effect of Permeable Pavement on Improvement of Heat Environment in Urban Area

西山 哲 Nishiyama Satoshi*1  大西 有三 Ohnishi Yuzo*2  矢野 隆夫 Yano Takao*3

*1京都大学大学院工学研究科 都市環境工学専攻 Kyoto University, School of Urban and Environment Engineering

*2京都大学大学院工学研究科 都市環境工学専攻 Kyoto University, School of Urban and Environment Engineering

*3京都大学大学院工学研究科 都市環境工学専攻 Kyoto University, School of Urban and Environment Engineering

We have been studying the importance of rainwater cycle for heat and hydrological environment in urban area. A permeable pavement consists of some layers that have high porosity materials and has the advantages of fulfilling a function of regenerating rainwater cycle in urban area. In this paper, we conducted some experiments on the effect of a permeable pavement on the thermal environment using the full-scale model constructed as actual carriageway. The results show that a rainwater storage facility of a permeable pavement produces evaporation from a pavement all day long which decreases the temperature of the pavement surface in comparison with a conventional asphalt pavement. We are planning to spread permeable pavements to prevent heat island with control of flood and underground water by making use of rainwater infiltration and cycle.



日本ヒートアイランド学会論文集 Vol.1 (2006)

06A001 学術論文
Measurement of Urban Thermal Environment and Simulation of Urban Heat Island

齋藤 武雄 Takeo S. SAITOH*1, 伊藤 智 Satoshi ITO*2, 山田 昇 Noboru YAMADA*3

*1ハービマンエネルギー戦略研究所 HARBEMAN Energy Strategic Institute
*2東北大学大学院環境科学研究科 School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University
*3長岡技術科学大学 Nagaoka University of Technology

This paper describes a field measurement of urban thermal environment and a three-dimensional simulation of urban heat island in Tokyo metropolitan area. The field measurement results show that the present status of ambient temperature, relative humidity, and radiative heat flux in an urban street canyon in typical summer condition. The simulation results show that the maximum ambient temperature increase up to 45.5℃ in 2031, and also show that the effect of “Tokyo wall” which is a cluster of high-rise buildings. The ambient temperature increase around the Tokyo wall is less than 0.1℃.


06A002 学術論文

西村 伸也 Nobuya Nishimura*1  鍋島 美奈子 Minako Nabeshima*2 西岡 真稔 Masatoshi Nishioka*2
谷口 一郎 Ichiro Taniguchi*3 桝元 慶子 Keiko Masumoto*4  野邑 奉弘 Tomohiro Nomura*1

*1大阪市立大学大学院工学研究科機械物理系専攻, Department of Mechanical and Physical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University

*2大阪市立大学大学院工学研究科都市系専攻, Department of Urban Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University

*3大阪市都市環境局, Environment and Sewerage Bureau, Osaka City

*4大阪市立環境科学研究所, Osaka City Institute of Public Health and Environmental Sciences, Osaka City

Time-space distributions of energy supply both by electricity and town gas in Osaka city were investigated precisely in order to estimate effects of local artificial heat generation on the heat island phenomena. Daily variations of electric power supply of 20points of secondary substations during July 13th to July 27th in 2000 were presented and analyzed in the paper. Also, monthly town gas supply amounts at each "ku" of Osaka city were presented from April 2002 to March 2003. And those data were drawn on the map by using geographic information system and were analyzed in order to determine diurnal variation of local energy supply characteristics. It was revealed that the electric power supply amounts per unit floor area are quite different between central commercial and business area and suburban residential area. The amount of electric power supply per unit floor area became 430W/m2 in the city central part with many commerce and amusement facilities. And the amount of maximum power supply per unit total floor area at central commercial and business area was nearly 100 W/m2. Meanwhile, the amount of maximum power supply in suburban residential area was nearly 10 W/m2. Moreover, many town gas was supplied at both central commercial and business area and the coastal industrial area. The amount of maximum supply of the town gas in July were about 50W/m2 at central commercial and business area and about 10W/m2 at suburban residential area.


06A003 学術論文
移動観測によるヒートアイランド現象の実測 大阪平野の夜間気温分布

鍋島 美奈子 Minako NABESHIMA*1  古崎 靖朗 Yasuaki KOZAKI*1 中尾 正喜 Masaki NAKAO*1 西岡 真稔 Masatoshi NISHIOKA*1

*1大阪市立大学大学院工学研究科 Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University

There are 2 kinds of typically experimental method to survey urban heat island (UHI) phenomena: one is to analyze air temperature differences between urban and rural meteorological observatories; the other is to monitor horizontal temperature distribution by a mobile measurement from urban area to rural area. An advantage of the latter method is high spatial density of measured data. This paper proposes mobile measurement system for observing nocturnal urban heat island (UHI) phenomena and shows horizontal temperature distribution of the Osaka Plain. This paper shows a case of coastal supercity, Osaka, which has climatological problems caused by urbanization. For example, the daily minimum temperature has been kept high during the night in summer; the time to change from sea breeze into land breeze has been later. In this paper the horizontal temperature distribution in the Osaka Plain has been observed in the period of August - December 2005 using the mobile measurement system with GPS receiver. The mobile measurement system enables to measure some parameters while moving extensively at high speed, so that observation area during a few hours is expanded. The center of Osaka City had been higher than the average through the observation period. In winter Osaka bay coastal part has been higher area, while in summer the eastern part of the Osaka Plain has been higher area. The northern part and the southern part of the Osaka Plain have been found lower temperature area. UHI intensity is defined differences between average temperature of the center of Osaka City and that of the northern part or the southern part. Negative correlation between UHI intensity and infrared radiation has been pointed out. The maximum value of UHI intensity is 5 degree C, which has been observed on Nov. 9th.


06A004  学術論文

桝元 慶子 Keiko Masumoto*1  谷口 一郎 Ichiro Taniguchi*2  野邑 奉弘 Tomohiro Nomura*3

*1大阪市立環境科学研究所 Osaka City Institute of Public Health and Environmental Sciences

*2大阪市都市環境局 Environment and Sewerage Bureau, Osaka City

*3大阪市立大学 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka City University

Osaka City region is located on a coastal area, about 20km square, and the air temperature is notably higher than the circumference area in summer. In order to characterize the air temperature distribution of Osaka City, in summer of 2005, data were taken from 24 stations in the city operated by the Osaka City Environment and Sewerage Bureau. Also, data set of wind and temperature were taken from other 18 air monitoring and weather stations.
The city area was divided into the west, the central, and the east area, and air temperature of each area was averaged in each time zone. At daytime, the air temperature rose from the west to the east. On the other hand, at night and early morning, the central area was the highest.
The wind direction and velocity are the critical factors of the heat island in Osaka City, and the feature of the air temperature distribution was able to be confirmed by the measurement.


06A005 学術論文

吉田 篤正 Atsumasa YOSHIDA, 木下 進一 Shinichi KINOSHITA, 村上 裕紀 Hiroki MURAKAMI

大阪府立大学大学院工学研究科機械工学分野 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University

Recently, in many cities, thermal air pollution has arisen from superfluous progress of the increase in artificial waste heat and covering, and loss of natural space. Consequently, in the city, compared with the suburbs, temperature becomes high and the heat island phenomenon has appeared. As the measures, it is very important to control the radiation. Therefore, we notice membrane materials which have small solar absorptance. In this study, we selected three membrane materials of polytetra fluorine ethylene (white, gray, yellow green), and these solar absorptances and infrared emissivities were measured. These solar absorptances were 0.19, 0.53, 0.70 and infrared emissivities were about 0.9. We applied the measured values to the math calculation and evaluate surface temperature for construction and sensible heat flux to the atmosphere. Consequently, the surface temperature is lower and the sensible heat flux decreases. So, it is expected that membrane materials mitigate the heat island phenomenon.


06A006 学術論文

佐藤 公敏 Kimitoshi SATO
立教大学大学院経済学研究科 Graduate School of Economics, Rikkyo University

This paper presents an environmental economic modeling, in which I propose heat island integral to represent the force of heat island and urban heat island function. Also presented is a heat island tax/subsidy scheme; the subsidy based in the numerical data of tree carbon fixation is given to contributers to cooling the city by providing vegetation in the city. In our model any metropolitan resident consumes goods and have landscape gardeners plant trees in his/her gardens, and producers supply goods. Every emitter emits heat and gases in the atmosphere, which results in urban heat island and an anormous amount of cost, so that it is a recent economic problem of great importance for large cities such as Tokyo. This paper tries to give an economic theoretical solution to this prolbem.


06A007 学術論文

西岡 真稔 Masatoshi Nishioka*1  鍋島 美奈子 Minako Nabeshima*1  若間 賢志 Satoshi Wakama*2  上田 淳也 Junya Ueda*3

*1大阪市立大学大学院工学研究科 Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University

*2大阪府 Osaka Prefectural Government

*3パシフィックコンサルタンツ(株) Pacific Consultants Co., LTD.

In this paper, it surveyed about the high albedo pavement which performed high reflective surface preparation to open grading asphalt paving, and the following result was obtained.
1) By forming a paved surface into high reflection, it validated that a surface temperature was reduced greatly. In the result of a measurement in the fine weather day of a summer, it is set to 6.8 (K) with the reflection factor 0.25, and becomes the temperatures fall of 20 (K) in the reflection factor 0.6.
2) Based on the radiation balance of the solar radiation obtained from survey, and long wave radiation, operative temperature was calculated and the trial calculation of the influence on the effective temperature was made. According to this, by the weather condition in the daytime in the survey day of summer-season fine weather, when a pedestrian stood on the pavement central part, a result in which operative temperature carries out 3.4-6.1 (K) ascent was brought. Since increase of reflected solar radiation exceeded the reduction effectiveness of the long wave radiation injected from a pavement side, the whole radiation absorption increased.
The heat conductivity and volumetric specific heat of the pavement body were presumed based on the actual measurement, numerical computation was carried out using this, and the following results were obtained.
As a result of performing a case study about the relationship between solar reflectance and a surface temperature, in the weather condition of the survey day, the result which the temperatures fall of 2.5 (K) produces was obtained to the Increase of value in the reflection factor 0.1.


06B001 技術報告

近藤 裕昭 Hiroaki KONDO*1  亀卦川 幸浩 Yukihiro KIKEGAWA*2  玄地 裕 Yutaka GENCHI*1  井原 智彦 Tomohiko IHARA*1
大橋 唯太 Yukitaka OHASHI*3  東海林 孝幸 Takayuki TOKAIRIN*4

*1産業技術総合研究所 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

*2明星大学 Meisei University

*3岡山理科大学 Okayama University of Science

*4豊橋技術科学大学 Toyohashi University of Technology

The AIST developed a multi-scale analysis model to assess the countermeasures against urban heat island phenomena. The model consists of three sub models; urban climate model, multi-layer urban canopy model and building energy consumption model. The overall performance is fairly good. Because it is too heavy for the full-spec model to assess the countermeasure around a year, the combined model of urban canopy and building energy consumption model was used to assess the countermeasures. The results demonstrate that photo catalyst, solar reflective painting and the ground source heat pump are promising countermeasures.