日本ヒートアイランド学会論文集 vol. 11〜vol. 17


日本ヒートアイランド学会論文集 Vol.17 (2022)

22A001 学術論文
Efflorescence on Cementitious Water-retentive Pavement Material Which Keeps Continuous Evaporation
Understanding of the efflorescence progression and the evaporative cooling performance degradation in outdoor experiments and the efflorescence thickness using X-ray diffraction

円井基史 Motofumi Marui*1 野呂 純二 Junji Noro *2 

*1 金沢工業大学 Kanazawa Institute of Technology

*2 株式会社 日産アーク Nissan Arc Ltd.

Through outdoor experiments using cementitious water-retentive paving block which keeps continuous absorption and evaporation, the progression of efflorescence, the effect on evaporative cooling performance, and the thickness of efflorescence (calcium carbonate) were investigated in this paper. The findings are as follows. 1) In the two outdoor experiments conducted under different climatic conditions, almost all of the pavement surface stained white (efflorescence) after about 9 to 10 months of exposure (integral amount of insolation was about 3000 MJ/m2). After efflorescence, it was confirmed that amount of evaporation decreased to 20 to 25% and the evaporative cooling performance was reduced compared to before efflorescence. 2) Through micro X-ray diffraction analysis, it was confirmed that the peak intensity indicating calcium carbonate was found to be larger and closer to the block surface as the exposure progressed at 4, 26, and 78 weeks. At 78 weeks of exposure, the thickness of calcium carbonate precipitated on the surface was estimated to be about 1.3 mm.


日本ヒートアイランド学会論文集 Vol.16 (2021)

21B001 技術報告
Long-term trends of newspaper coverage on climate change and summer heat

藤部文昭 Fumiaki Fujibe*1 松本 淳 Jun Matsumoto *1 

*1 東京都立大学都市環境学部 Faculty of Urban Environmental Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University

Online search systems of four major newspapers in Japan were used to find long-term changes in the coverage of key words related to climate change and summer heat for the period 1990 to 2019. It is shown that the coverage of "global warming" has an interannual variation with maxima corresponding to the publication of IPCC reports, with a distinct surge from 2007 to 2010. On the other hand, the coverage of "heat island" decreased markedly and that of "heat stroke" increased rapidly in the 2010s.


21A001 学術論文
Practical measurement method for the effect of wind speed reduction by trees in green space on temperature field

北原俊史 Toshifumi Kitahara*1 高木直樹 Naoki Takagi *2 浅輪貴史 Takashi Asawa *1 円井 基史 Motofumi Marui *3

*1 東京工業大学 Tokyo Institute of Technology
*2 信州大学 Shinshu University
*3 金沢工業大学 Kanazawa Institute of Technology

Green spaces are considered to be an effective way of mitigating the urban heat island effect. The reduction in wind speed behind trees and buildings modifies the environmental conditions or microclimate. This phenomenon is known as the Hidamari effect. In this study, we developed the practical measurement method, and we applied it for understanding the effect of wind speed reduction by trees in green space on the temperature field.


日本ヒートアイランド学会論文集 Vol.15 (2020)


20A001 学術論文
Regional features and temporal variations of heat-stroke ambulance transport rates in Japan―Comparison with mortality―

藤部文昭 Fumiaki Fujibe*1 松本 淳 Jun Matsumoto *1  鈴木秀人 Hideto Suzuki*2

*1 東京都立大学都市環境学部 Faculty of Urban Environmental Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University

*2 東京都監察医務院 Tokyo Medical Examiner's Office

Data on ambulance transport rate of patients with heat stroke from 2008 to 2018 in Japan were used to examine regional features and temporal variations of transport from climatological viewpoints. The transport rate is correlated with summer mean temperature both spatially and in year-to-year variations. Regarding seasonal variations, the transport rate is higher in early summer than in late summer by a factor of two or more. On a daily basis, the transport rate for days with specified maximum temperature levels tends to be higher in prefectures with cooler summer climate. These features are similar to those of heat-stroke mortality, although there are a number of differences in the climatological features of transport rate and mortality.


日本ヒートアイランド学会論文集 Vol.14 (2019)

19A001 学術論文
Tree-planting Experiment in City Area by Constructable Tree-planting Technique and Effect of Water Spray

吉田 匡利 Masatoshi Yoshida*1 石田 祐也 Yuya Ishida *2  岩崎 春彦 Haruhiko Iwasaki*3 天谷 賢児 Kenji Amagai *3 
鵜飼 恵三 Keizo Ugai*4 宮下 邦彦 Kunihiko Miyashita *5  畠山 忠之 Tadayuki Hatakeyama *6

*1 群馬県立太田産業技術専門校 Ohta Industrial Technology Tranning School, Gunma Prefecture

*2 地方独立行政法人 東京都立産業技術研究センター Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute

*3 群馬大学大学院理工学府 Fauclty of Science and Technology, Gunma University

*4 群馬大学名誉教授 Emeritus Professor, Gunma University

*5 群馬県沼田土木事務所 Numata Civil Engineering Office, Gunma Prefecture

*6 館林市役所 Tatebayashi City Office

In order to form a cool space in the city area at summer season, the experiments which installs an artificial small forest was conducted at Tatebayashi city in Gunma Prefecture, Japan. 12m×8m area forest was build up near the train station of Tatebayashi city. Trees of various types were used for making the forest. Water spray was used to enhance the air temperature reduction in the foreset. Air temperatures and humidities at several points in the artificial forest were measured. Temperature reduction effects by the artificial forest and water spray were analysed from long-term experimental data during about one month. The questionnaire about the comfortable was also carried out for the citizens. As the results, it was confirmed that an artificial forest and water spray was effective in order to form the cool space into a city area.


日本ヒートアイランド学会論文集 Vol.13 (2018)

18A001 学術論文
Basic Experiments and Simulation for Symbiotic Evaporative Cooling Cladding

吉浦 温雅 Atsumasa Yoshiura*1 奥山 博康 Hiroyasu Okuyama *1 

*1 神奈川大学 Kanagawa University

In this study, basic experiments and predictive calculations using a terracotta wine-cooling pot were performed to develop a cladding for evaporative cooling by internal water and to build a calculation model for predicting the performance. A terracotta panel with hollows for external wall cladding is already found in the market and possible development can be expected after some modification. Experiments on pots that accumulate water showed that the surface temperature was lower than ambient temperature by about 5 °C in a room with ambient temperature 20 °C and absolute humidity of 0.0044kg/kg'. The wetted area ratio of the outer surface of the pot filled with water was estimated to be 0.55 when the surface convective transfer coefficient of vertical wind velocity was 0.3 m/s. The results from the calculation model for predicting the evaporative cooling effect of the pot were consistent with the experimental results.


18A002 学術論文
Sensitivity experiments for the factors of temperature decrease inhibition during winter night in urban area

川端 康弘 Yasuhiro Kawabata*1 清野 直子 Naoko Seino*1 田中 泰宙 Taichu Y. Tanaka*1 青栁 曉典 Toshinori Aoyagi*2 

*1 気象庁気象研究所 Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency

*2 気象庁地球環境・海洋部 Global Environment and Marine Department, Japan Meteorological Agency

We analyzed the factors of temperature decrease inhibition in urban area by sensitivity experiments of surface air temperature for changes of urban surface, using the Japan Meteorological Agency Non-Hydrostatic Model with the Urban Canopy scheme. Numerical experiments were performed in Kanto-Koshin area at a winter night in clear weather condition. For the control experiment, the urban heat island was well reproduced. The results of sensitivity experiments with various urban surface parameters were compared to those of the control experiment. The existence of buildings and its type effected mostly temperature decrease inhibition. From the experiment changed aspect ratio of buildings, the higher building inhibited temperature decrease than the lower building.


日本ヒートアイランド学会論文集 Vol.12 (2017)

17A001 学術論文
東京 23 区の熱中症死亡率と気温分布との関係  ―2013 年についての解析―
Relationship between heat mortality and temperature distribution in the Tokyo ward area: Analysis for the 2013 summer.

藤部文昭 Fumiaki Fujibe*1 松本 淳 Jun Matsumoto *1 鈴木 秀人  Hideto Suzuki*2 

*1 首都大学東京都市環境学部 Faculty of Urban Environmental Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University

*2 東京都監察医務院 Tokyo Medical Examiner's Office

The distribution of heat mortality in the ward area of Tokyo was examined on the basis of 135 cases that were subtracted from postmortem data of the Tokyo Medical Examiner's Office in 2013. It was found that heat mortality was higher in the periphery of the city than in its central part. The mortality of each ward was negatively correlated to the mean income with a coefficient of -0.49, which was statistically significant at the 5% level. For a given value of mean income, inland wards tended to show higher mortality than wards in other areas, in agreement with higher daytime temperature in the inland area. It was also found that the mortality in wards along Tokyo Bay tended to be higher in a period of higher temperature in the coastal area. These facts provide observational evidence for the dependence of the distribution of heat mortality on social and meteorological factors.


17A002 学術論文
高層建築物の周囲に形成される冬季の微気候の形成要因 -熱収支シミュレーションとCFD との連成解析手法を用いた検証-
Formation factors of microclimate around a high-rise building in winter season - Examining by coupled analysis of heat balance simulation and CFD -

陳 侃 Kan Chen*1 浅輪 貴史 Takashi Asawa *1 押尾 晴樹  Haruki Oshio *2 

*1 東京工業大学 Tokyo Institute of Technology

*2 国立環境研究所 National Institute for Environmental Studies

Microclimate in building outdoor spaces is important for thermal comfort and energy saving of buildings. This study focuses on the formation factors of microclimate at the sunshade area of a high-rise building in winter season by using the coupled analysis method of heat balance simulation and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The remote sensing and mobile observation confirmed that the surface temperature was low and the air temperature was lower than other places at sunshade areas in the winter. These phenomena cannot be reproduced by the heat balance simulation without coupled analysis with CFD. The coupled analysis reproduces the low temperature microclimate in the building shade. It also shows that the low surface temperature and air temperature are caused by interaction between cold storage of the materials of grounds in the sunshade and the cold air generated by them. These phenomena can be confirmed not only in enclosed spaces like a street canyon but also in the open space around the high-rise building.


日本ヒートアイランド学会論文集 Vol.12-2 (2017)
Special Issue "the 8th Japanese-German Meeting on Urban Climatology"はこちら


日本ヒートアイランド学会論文集 Vol.11 (2016)

16B001 技術報告
Potential assessment of cross ventilation in detached house based on urban block characteristics

竹林 英樹 Hideki Takebayashi*1 竹本 優貴 Yuki Takemoto*1 福岡 孝則 Takanori Fukuoka*1  足立 裕司 Yuji Adachi*1
板倉 浩二 Koji Itakura*2 埴淵 晴男 Haruo Hanibuchi*2

*1 神戸大学大学院工学研究科 Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University

*2 積水ハウス株式会社 Sekisui House Ltd.

The relationship between the housing arrangement, adjacent building interval and the average ventilation ratio which is a location indicator of ventilation is analyzed intended for modeled residential district. The difference of ventilation ratio between windward and leeward side houses which is occurred in the case of aligned arrangement, is reduced when the adjacent building interval increases or it becomes a staggered arrangement. In the real housing estates, characteristics of the ventilation ratio are generally consistent with the calculation results in the modeled residential district, since the housing arrangement pattern is similar to the modeled residential district. However, the ventilation ratio may change greatly due to a slight difference of open space and building form in the neighborhood. Local impact by the housing arrangement and district characteristics is also necessary to be taken into account.